[This post is part of a partnership with Fitness World. All thoughts and opinions are my own.]
Note: mentions of weight, exercise and diet.
I have to admit that I was wrong. In the early months of the pandemic I would often say that it’s okay if you gain weight during a pandemic but now I know it’s okay if you gain weight, full stop. I was definitely apprehensive to work with Fitness World initially because I had taken off more than a few months from working out and I wasn’t sure how easing back into fitness would be. Teaming up with Fitness World to showcase their personal training program was the ideal way to reincorporate fitness back into my routine. It allowed me to set a schedule, vocalize my goals and work with a personal trainer for a customized experience.
Getting Started
I was paired with Amy at the Granville locations and she was an absolute dream to work with. She’s everything that I look for in a fitness instructor/trainer. It was important to me to be paired with a trainer that had the same approach to fitness that I did. During my initial consult I let the FW team know what I look for in a personal trainer. For me, a trainer that is more of a cheerleader will always be more preferred than one that is a drill sergeant. There are also some words and phrases that I will not tolerate when it comes to fitness. I don’t want to hear about “earning” your calories, working towards your “summer bod” or any other toxic body talk. Amy was a perfect match in terms of my fitness style. She really understood that I was overall more focused on how I felt instead of trying to achieve a “look.”
Setting Goals
Pre-pandemic I was a fitness class regular, often attending one or two every single day but during the pandemic I lost a lot of my motivation and drive which affected my strength and endurance. I love group fitness classes and it has always been challenging for me to work out on my own. Coming into it my only goal was to get comfortable with working out again. Amy recommended to set at least two types of goals, one ongoing and one that is measurable. So I am focused on relearning how to incorporate fitness into my routine and feeling more comfortable working on my own. My measurable goal was to at least fit into clothes I already own again. Amy and I also established some firm no’s – for me, running is not an option due to joint pain and I do not do jumps (your gal is busty and it’s too painful) and we were able to find cardio options better suited for me.
The Process
It may seem simple, but working out with a trainer takes out all of the guesswork and ensures that you have the most optimal workout possible. Since my goals were primarily focused on learning to work out on my own, Amy formulated most of my workouts to be machine-free, opting for body and free weight movements instead. Each session was formatted in the following segments: cardio, mobility warm-up, the workout that had some heavy weights as well as some core and then cool-down.
Working with a trainer means I don’t have to worry about if my workout is well-rounded or even about counting my reps, since Amy keeps track of those things for me. Working with a trainer also gives me peace of mind because my form is corrected when it needs to be and Amy is great about knowing how to challenge me without overexerting me. Another perk of working with a trainer is that there is constant communication and feedback. I could vocalize if a move didn’t feel right or if I needed modification. I have weak wrists and often need modifications for plank-based moves, as well as flat arches that cramp up quickly.
Additional Perks
Working with a fitness trainer at Fitness World comes with so many perks that you can utilize. Not only do you have full access to the gym during opening hours but you have access to group classes and, depending on the type of membership you have, there are also hydromassagers, tanning beds, child minding and access to all 15 of their locations. If you’re working with a personal trainer you’ll also have access to their FW Personal Training app where you and your trainer share a profile perfect for keeping in touch, setting goals, and formulating workouts, including some workouts I can do on my own!
While I strongly believe that fitness is for everyone, I also understand that for beginners it can be intimidating to work out on your own and partnering with a trainer is such a great way to get a custom fitness routine established without the worry of bad form or ineffectiveness.
The Verdict
My schedule was to work out in the gym twice per work and once a week at home. My partnership with FW was for 3 months and I was able to stick to this schedule the entire time with the exception of one week where I was sick and ended up taking the entire week off. I noticed such a major difference from when I started to where I currently am at. For starters, a one hour workout won’t be the death of me. When I first got back into the swing of things, an hour felt far too long and I was completely winded by the end of it. Not only is my endurance up, but my strength is as well and I have slowly been increasing how heavy my weights are and how many reps I can do. I’ve noticed that I need less breaks throughout and my aches and pains are different. Before it was a pure exhaustion ache and now it’s a proper muscle/workout ache.
I also feel more confident to work out on my own. I have a better understanding of how to engage my core, set up various machines and how to make modifications as needed. While two weekly sessions may not suit everyone’s schedule, popping in for one or two sessions every now and again may be a great way to make sure you’re on track with your goals and your progress. Plus, Fitness World offers a free goal session to all of its members to dip your toe in the water!
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